Professional Learning & Membership Committee

Purpose: The committee shall consider and make recommendations on publications, research and membership services that will enhance the professional growth of its members and advance the philosophy of the Association.

Objectives/Goals/Duties: The committee shall:

  1. make recommendations for topics to be included in PAGE ONE.
  2. make recommendations for Issue Brief topics.
  3. plan, organize and assist as needed in the development and implementation of the PAGE Annual Conference.
  4. review the conference evaluations as data for improvement.
  5. serve as an ad hoc committee for National Board Certification issues, concerns, and procedures.
  6. serve as an ad hoc committee for membership issues and concerns.
PAGE Foundation Membership: Membership shall be composed of one representative from each district, plus one at-large member. A person interested in serving may nominate himself or herself. Nominations shall also be accepted from the PAGE membership. Membership on the committee is limited to PAGE members in good standing.

Length of Term: Committee members shall serve staggered, rotating terms of one to three years. Example: At the expiration of a three-year term, the successor shall serve a two-year term and the next successor, a one year term. The at-large member shall serve a one-year term.

Meeting Times and Dates: The committee shall meet three times per year, July 1-June 30. Meetings shall be held in concurrence with the Fall Retreat and the PAGE Annual Conference. A Spring Meeting shall be announced annually. Ad hoc committees shall be convened on an as-need basis. Correspondence by e-mail shall be used to inform and gather information from members.

If you are interested in serving on this committee, please complete and return the Nomination Form. Please note that you will need Adobe Acrobat to open this form. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat or would like the form emailed to you, please contact Edie Belden.