PAGE Leadership Institute for 2006 Georgia STAR Teacher

The PAGE Leadership Institute for Georgia STAR (Student Teacher Achievement Recognition) Teachers is designed to promote, advance and build upon the skills of teacher leaders throughout Georgia. This leadership institute is an investment in the 438 STAR Teacher recipients and will provide these teachers with opportunities to learn how they can lead and become influential advocates for education in their respective schools.

The goals are to:

Program Format
The PAGE Leadership Institute for 2006 STAR Teachers provides one-day, high quality professional learning sessions focusing on significant and relevant topics that build upon the leadership skills of the STAR Teachers in Georgia. Each session is offered in four regional locations on subsequent days and presented by the same national expert or consultant. This institute is FREE for all Georgia STAR Teachers and includes breakfast, lunch, and professional materials for use in the classroom. Schools must provide release time for their STAR Teacher of the Year to attend.

STAR Teachers will receive notification of this valuable training and must RSVP to the PAGE office to be included in the scheduled training. Because financial commitments must be made to presenters, to host institutions regarding space and food, and to order adequate materials, it is recommended that STAR Teachers RSVP as soon as possible to

Coaching Your Colleagues:  From the Staff Room to the Classroom:  A Guide for Planning and Coaching Professionals – with Dr. Robin Fogarty and Brian M. Pete

Conference Dates                     Locations                                              RSVP by

October 16                                Georgia Southern University                   September 15

October 30                                University of Georgia                             September 15

October 31                                Kennesaw State University                    September 15

November 1                               Valdosta State University                      September 15

From Art to Science:  What to Think in Today’s Schools – with John Antonetti

Conference Dates                     Locations                                              RSVP by

January 23                                Georgia Southern University                   December 8

January 24                                Valdosta State University                       December 8

January 30                                Kennesaw State University                    December 8

January 31                                University of Georgia                             December 8