In accordance with the Act of the General Assembly of 1992, O.C.G.A. 20-2-989.5 et seq, it is the policy of the Board of Education that certified personnel shall have the right to present and resolve complaints relating to certain matters affecting the employment relationship at the lowest organizational level possible. The Board of Education encourages all employees to resolve their complaints informally in a spirit of collegiality where possible.

The following statements of fact, including specific requirements for each local board of education, are for the information of every professional educator. A minimum requirement is that each local board must include the following information in its policy.

PAGE Foundation A complaint means any claim by a certified employee of any local unit of administration who is affected in his or her employment relationship by an alleged violation, misinterpretation or misapplication of statutes, policies, rules, regulations or written agreements of the local unit of administration with which the local unit of administration is required to comply. The performance ratings contained in personnel evaluations and professional development plans pursuant to Code Section 20-2-210 and job performance shall not be subject to complaint under this bill. The termination, nonrenewal, demotion, suspension or reprimand of any employee, as set forth in Code Section 20-2-940; and the revocation, suspension or denial of certificates of any employee, as set forth in Code Section 20-2-790, shall not be subject to complaint under the bill.

A certified employee who chooses to appeal under Code Section 20-2-1160 shall be barred from pursuing the same complaint under this policy. A certified employee who wishes to file a grievance should first get a copy of the grievance policy in his/her school district.

Pursuant to Georgia law, local policy must include:

PAGE members should become thoroughly familiar with their system's complaints and grievances policy. This statement of policy will answer a multitude of detailed questions concerning their rights and responsibilities.