PAGE offers the best legal protection and insurance available.Each year dozens of PAGE members benefit from successful resolution of their legal situations, because PAGE’s legal advice and network of attorneys are just a toll-free telephone call away.

PAGE works in a positive, professional and confidential manner on legal issues, without fanfare or publicity. Our members themselves ask that we not create any undue publicity that can further damage their case or their reputations. Because we believe that this is the best way to resolve sensitive legal matters involving our members, you don’t often read about PAGE members’ legal problems in the newspaper – but we are there supporting our members nonetheless.

Our liability coverage protects you from lawsuits filed by parents or students and pays up to $1,000,000 for attorney fees and damage awards. This is the protection you need most as you interact daily with your students. PAGE stands with you as you go about your required duties each day in an increasingly litigious world.

PAGE Foundation In the unlikely event that you are charged with a crime, in relation to your duties as an educator, PAGE insurance protection provides for the payment of attorney fees in a broad range of situations, whether you win or lose. The policy pays up to $10,000 per member, per claim, with a limit of $20,000 per member in any year.

In employment actions such as termination, salary, reassignment, certification or resignation, PAGE legal protection is also provided. Immediate and comprehensive legal consultation is provided to you free of charge. A PAGE attorney will review all of the particulars of your situation at no cost to you. If your rights have been violated or the relevant education law has been broken, the policy will pay up to $10,000 in legal fees to resolve the matter.

If you have further questions, call PAGE’s legal department at: toll free 1-800-334-6861 or local 770-216-8555.

The policy governs actual coverage of claims available to PAGE members. Copies of the actual policy are on file and available at the PAGE office.