.....................Georgia Association for Supervison and Curriculum Development
© 2005 GASCD


2005 Georgia ASCD Annual Conference
February 3-4, 2005

Keynote Speaker

Kay Burke’s educational experience includes teaching Language Arts and serving as the Department Chairperson at Redan High School in DeKalb County in the 1980’s as well as serving as assistant principal for instruction at Tucker High School. She was DeKalb County’s Teacher of the Year in 1984 as well as a semi-finalist for Georgia Teacher of the Year. Kay also served as the Director of a Field-Based Master’s Degree Program at Saint Xavier University in Illinois and as Senior Vice President of SkyLight Professional Development in the Chicago area. Several of her books are used in undergraduate and graduate education programs. For the past 14 years, Kay has facilitated professional development workshops throughout the United States, Canada, and Australia, delivered keynote addresses, and presented at national conferences such as ASCD, NSCD, NASSP, and NMSA. Kay has recently moved back to Georgia and is working with several school systems to align their assessments to the new Georgia Performance Standards.

Dr. Burke has written books and developed training programs in the areas of classroom management, performance assessment, mentoring, and student, teacher and administrator portfolios. Her best selling books include How to Assess Authentic Learning, 3rd, ed.; What to do with the kid who: Developing Cooperation, Self-Discipline and Responsibility in the Classroom, 2nd ed.; Designing Professional Portfolios for Change; The Portfolio Connection: Student Work Linked to Standards, 2nd. ed.; Mentoring Guidebook Level I: Starting the Journey; and Mentoring Guidebook Level II: Exploring Teaching Strategies, all published by LessonLab, a Pearson Education Company. She has also written Performance Assessment: Evidence of Learning published by Robin Fogarty and Associates and Examining Student Work: Rubrics Linked to Standards currently in press with Corwin Press, Inc.